Humbleton Parish Council has adopted the phone box in Humbleton. A huge thank you to Phil Stannard who has primed and painted the phone box - don't worry the pink primer has been covered by the more traditional pillar box red - doesn't it look good?
The defibrillator has been delivered and fitted. A huge thanks to the Withernwick Wind Farm Fund who provided us with a significant grant to be able to purchase the equipment for installation.
Flinton phone box has also now been adopted and the phone removed. A big thank you to Cally & Wayne Harrison who have primed and painted the phone box - another job well done. The defib is now in place, thanks to the British Heart Foundation.
If you use the defibs please let the Clerk know so that new pads can be ordered and fitted.
There is, we are advised, no specific training however there are links to training videos which may be useful to the public - see below:
Short Introduction:
Product Familiarisation:
CPR & AED training film:
A picture of the current Flinton phone box prior to its make-over...
and the Humbleton phone box all repainted.....